Research conducted or trialled at TNN
Pears, S. L.; Jackson, M. C.; Bertenshaw, E.J.; Horne, P.J.; Lowe, C.F.; & Erjavec, M. (2012). Validation of food diaries as measures of dietary behaviour change. Appetite, 58, 1164-1168.
Camoes-Costa, V.; Erjavec, M.; & Horne, P.J. (2011). The impact of body-part-naming training on the accuracy of imitative performances in 2- to 3-year-old children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 96, 291-315. doi: 10.1901/jeab.2011.96-291
Gurteen, P. M.; Horne, P. J.; & Erjavec, M. (2011). Rapid word learning in 13- and 17-month olds in a naturalistic two-word procedure: looking versus reaching measures. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 109, 201-217. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2010.12.001
Horne, P. J.; Greenhalgh, J.; Erjavec, M.; Lowe, C. F.; Viktor, S.; & Whitaker, C. J. (2011). Increasing pre-school children's consumption of fruit and vegetables. A modelling and rewards intervention. Appetite. 56, 375-385. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2010.11.146
Hardman, C. A., Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (2011). Effects of rewards, peer modelling and pedometer targets on children’s: A school-based intervention study. Psychology and Health, 26, 3-21.
Camoes-Costa, V.; Erjavec, M.; & Horne, P. J. (2010). Comprehension and production of body part labels in 2- to 3-year-old children. British Journal of Development Psychology. 29, 552-571. DOI: 10.1348/026151010X523040
Greenhalgh, J., Dowey, A., Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., Griffiths, J. H., & Whitaker, C. J. (2009). Positive and negative modelling effects on young children’s consumption of novel blue foods. Appetite, 52, 646-653.
Hardman, C. A., Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (2009). A home-based intervention to increase physical activity in girls: the Fit’n’Fun Dudes program. Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 7, 1-8.
Horne, P. J., Hardman, C. A., Lowe, C. F., Tapper, K., Le Noury, J., Madden, P., Patel, P. & Doody, M. (2009). Increasing parental provision and children’s consumption of lunchbox fruit and vegetables in Ireland: The Food Dudes intervention. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63, 613-618.
Horne, P. J., Hardman, C. A., Lowe, C. F., & Rowlands, A. V. (2009). Increasing children’s physical activity: A peer modeling, rewards and pedometer-based intervention. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63, 191-198.
Erjavec, M., Lovett, V. E., & Horne, P. J. (2009). Do infants show generalized imitation of gestures? (2) The effects of skills training and multiple exemplar matching training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 91, 355-376. doi: 10.1901/jeab.2009.91-355
Horne, P. J., Erjavec, M., & Lovett, V. E. (2009). The effects of modelling, local stimulus enhancement, and affordance demonstration on the production of object-directed actions in 6-month-old infants. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 27, 269-281. DOI: 10.1348/026151008X297126
Erjavec, M., & Horne, P. J. (2008). Determinants of imitation of hand-to-body gestures in 2-and 3-year old children. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 89, 183-207. doi: 10.1901/jeab.2008.89-183
Horne, P. J., & Erjavec, M. (2007). Do infants show generalized imitation of gestures?. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 87, 63-87. doi: 10.1901/jeab.2007.11-06
Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., & Harris, F. D. A. (2007). Naming and categorization in young children: V. Manual sign training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 87, 367-381.
Horne, P. J., Hughes, J. C., & Lowe, C. F. (2006). Naming and categorization in young children: IV. Listener behavior training and transfer of function. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 85, 247-273.
Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., Hardman, C. A., & Tapper, K. (2006). A peer modeling and rewards intervention is effective in increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in children. Preventive Medicine, 43, 351.
Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., & Hughes, J. C. (2005). Naming and categorization in young children: III. Vocal tact training and transfer of function. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 83, 47-65.
Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., & Randle, V. R. L. (2004). Naming and categorization in young children: II. Listener behavior training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 81, 267-288.
Horne, P. J., Tapper, K., Lowe, C. F., Hardman , C. A., Jackson, M. C., & Woolner, J. (2004). Increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption: A peer modeling and rewards based intervention. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 58, 1649-1660.
Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., Tapper, K., & Bowdery, M. (2004). Efects of a peer modeling and rewards based intervention to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in children. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 58, 510-522.
Tapper, K., Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (2003). Helping children eat fruit ad vegetables. The Psychologist, 16, 18-21.
Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., Harris, F. D. A., & Randle, V. R. L. (2002). Naming and categorization in young children: Vocal tact training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 78, 527-549.
Dugdale, N.A., & Johnson, S. (2002). Unreinforced conditional selection by two-year-olds in a six-comparison matching task. Psychological Record, 52,159-172.
Gathercole, V. C. M., & Whitfield, L. J. C. (2001). Function as a criterion for the extension of new words. Journal of Child Language, 28, 87-125.
Gathercole, V. C. M, Thomas, E. M., & Evans, D. (2000). What’s in a noun? Welsh-, English-, and Spanish-speaking children see it differently. First Language, 20, 55-90.
Tommis, Y., & Fazey, D. M. A. (1999). The acquisition of the pitch element of music literacy skills by 3-4-year-old children: A comparison of two methods. Psychology and Music, 27, 230-244.
Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., Bowdery, M., & Egerton, C. (1998). The way to healthy eating in children. The British Food Journal, 100, 133-140.
Lowe, C.F., Dowey, A., & Horne, P.J. (1998). Changing what children eat. In A. Murcott (Ed.). Food choice: Modern social science definitions and discoveries (ESRC: peer reviewed). London: Longmans, (pp.57-80).
Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (1997). Toward a theory of verbal behavior. Reply to further commentaries on 1996 target article. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 68, 271-296.
Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (1996). On the origins of naming and other symbolic behavior (Target article). Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 65, 185-241.
Lowe, C.F., & Horne, P.J. (1996). Reflections on naming and other symbolic behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 65, 315-353.
Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., Fleming, P. F. J., & Dowey, A. J. (1995). An effective procedure for changing food preferences in 5-7-year-old children. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 54, 441-452.